
Ravisha Bhardwaj

What are those magical wizards called who capture the aesthetic with their technological wand? Well! They are photographers who stay behind the lens and capture every significant movement in their cameras. One such society is Snapshots. Their belief is that “photographers use their cameras as tools of exploration, passport to inner sanctums, and instrument for change. Their images are proof that photography matters.”

This society awaits all those who deeply believe that photographs do have the power to hold the beholder and can compel someone to contemplate about the scenario where it was captured. It organizes workshops, showcases pictures in exhibitions and organizes photo-exhibitions to hone photography skills of its members. Basically, it’s a learning process behind the lens. The society focuses more on inculcating the creative vision rather than raising a professional photographer. It prefers raw material over the edited one since their idea is to project the reality which the photographer’s eyes have witnessed.

Shiwani Munduiya, a member of snapshots, shares her experience of one of the photowalks where she covered Surajkund Mela to present a gist through her pictures. “It’s an entirely different experience where you walk with your camera in such a crowded place and you have to manage yourself, your camera, and take a perfect shot while managing the angle.”

Ifsha Zehra, a second year student and the vice-president of Snapshots informed that the society is also introducing filmography this year which will include collaborations with dramsocs as well.

The way to enter this world is free from all obstacles. If you are looking forward to be one of those wizards, send some sample pictures; if the panel likes your work, you become a part of the group and get a platform to show the magic you can create with your technological wand. So show your charm and enchant everyone with your magic.

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